
Topics of interest that do not fit into one of the other sections are right here!

Building Blocks for Life – God’s Wisdom and Life Principles

We live in a fast-paced, complicated world. But one thing has remained true throughout the ages: God’s Word and his Wisdom. Read about nine principles from God’s Word that will help you stay focused and productive.

Under Construction–How to Make Changes in Your Life

Most of us realize that we are not perfect. In this imperfect state we recognize the need to change; to refine ourselves in some way to become better. But what is better? And how do we make changes in ourselves that will stick over time? While the answers to these questions aren’t hard to get, making the changes stick is hard. In this letter, you will read about six issues impacting your ability to change, and six tips to help you make lasting change in your life.


It is nice to be successful. We want to be successful. So why is it that so many people who have achieved worldly success seem to be the least satisfied? This article examines twelve steps to help you become successful in a way that will also provide lasting satisfaction.