The Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work
This book was a New York Times Best-Seller, but is not a book I highly recommend. The author claims he can predict, based on six common signs, whether a marriage will end in divorce. From this point, the book details the author’s seven principles to ensure a successful marriage. Bells and sirens went off in my head as I read through the statistical methods employed in the author’s predictive model–they are not what I consider to be solid scientific standards. Aside from this, the seven principles are interesting and may be of some help, but the book is entirely secular and leaves the development of the marriage completely up to the human efforts of the individuals and leaves God out of the equation altogether. Author: John Gottman, PhD. Publisher: Three Rivers Press.
Thanks for the review Ron. As always, thought provoking.
From another point of view, my wife and I have done several exercises in this book and its been helpful for improving our communication. Also, by reading it together and discussing the ideas we learned a lot about each other . . . . Our experience with John Gottman’s work has been good
I just signed up to your blogs rss feed. Will you post more on this subject?
Hey, I can’t view your site properly within Opera, I actually hope you look into fixing this.
Thanks for signing up for the RSS feed! Yes, I try to get the reviews posted as soon as I get done with a book.
@aparadekto…not sure what is going on…I have no trouble with Opera using Windows 7. A friend checked using opera on a Mac and that seems ok as well. What system are you using?