November 20

New Article Available!


Mentoring–A Lifestyle for Growth.
Mentoring is as old as the earliest characters in the Bible. Over the centuries, it has been referred to as discipleship, apprenticeship, and coaching. For many cultures, mentoring was the preferred method of passing down knowledge and skills from one generation to another.

Establishing robust mentoring programs in your organization has many benefits that far outweigh the associated costs: reduced personnel turnover, decreased absences, increased job satisfaction, increased loyalty, increased productivity, and increased engagement. The following six-steps will help you get a mentoring program off to a solid start:

1. Commitment. A mentoring program is a strategic choice.
2. Openness. Make the program open and available to everyone in the organization.
3. Set expectations. Participation in a mentoring relationship is to be taken seriously.
4. Establish pairs. Mentor/mentee relationships may evolve naturally, but you may need to provide help for some people.
5. Training. Formal as well as informal training may be needed, especially when the mentoring program is launched.
6. Monitoring. Do not make it seem like big brother is watching, but you should have a system to make sure mentoring relationships are meeting needs.

Read the entire article Mentoring–A Lifestyle for Growth, to learn about the Mentoring Relationship, the Attributes of a Mentor, and How to Get Started developing a mentor program in your organization. It is posted in the Articles/Staffing section.


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